Emergency Alert for Android has been finally released, with the hopes of improving reliability of the application.

Some of you, particularly on newer devices, had issues with the app being killed, or not playing audio sounds. This was caused by a few changes in the way Android works in the newer versions:

  1. “Dose” mode – When the device is idle, it shuts apps down to save battery
  2. Improved memory management – When the device is running low on memory, it shuts down running applications
  3. “Do Not Disturb” mode – A new mode which can silence all ringtones (and additionally media)
  4. SMS Listener changes – In earlier versions of Android, if the app was force closed, receiving an SMS would re-launch it. In newer versions of Android, if an app is forced closed, receiving an SMS will not restart the application

The above items have now been fixed in the latest release with a feature I created called “Active Mode” to ensure greater reliability, and less chance of Android shutting down the application.

Unfortunately, for “Do Not Disturb” mode, there is no workaround as it is deliberately muting all sounds by design – however, when you launch the app, it will detect if “Do Not Disturb” is set to total silence, and if it is you will get a warning.

Other features in this release include:

  • New Icon!
  • First steps to an improved look and feel with themed interface
  • Permissions checking & prompting on launch
  • You can turn off “Active Mode” in settings, which will revert to the previous (unreliable) behaviour – and you can turn the app off altogether by disabling SMS Listener, also available in settings

If you have any feedback or issues with the update, please contact .